Bancroft Middle School

Home of the Broncos

Independent Study Information Sessions

Learn about SLUSD independent study programs, including how to enroll, at one of the following informational sessions: 

K-5 Independent Study Family Information Session
July 19 at 4 PM 
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 3123 4098
Passcode: 920407

6-12 Independent Study Family Information Session
July 20 at 4 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 1082 3963
Passcode: 186023

Translation provided in Spanish and Cantonese. Sessions will be recorded and applications to enroll will be linked on  on July 20th.


New laws are in effect for the 2021-2022 school year allowing families to request independent study. This would include students whose health would be put at risk by in-person instruction.

We will provide an independent study learning option for the 2021-2022 school year for students who have an identified need. All independent study programs are voluntary and students must show positive academic progress to stay in the program. Independent Study is an alternative to in person classroom instruction, not an alternative curriculum. Students who are enrolled in Independent Study will be required to participate daily and regular communication with the teacher will be required as part of the program. 

The program for grades 9-12 will have at least one contact hour a week with the teacher. For grades TK-8, students may have 2-5 contact hours a week depending on program design. The live, synchronous teacher contact time may be completed online or in person. Students and Parents/guardians will be required to sign a learning agreement/contract in order to participate.

For questions, contact Elisa Alvarez at

Bancroft Middle School

1150 Bancroft Ace., San Leandro, CA 94577 Phone: 510-895-4113 Fax: 510-895-4113


BMS Weekly Newsletter

Bancroft Middle School
Weekly newsletter

Admin Message

December is flying by. We have a lot of fun and exciting activities/events happening this month as we wrap up the second quarter.  Congratul

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Bancroft Middle