San Leandro

Unified School District

Author: kmoss


Management Employees of the Year 2021

District administrators Mr. Larry Simon and Mr. Rocky Medeiros have been named as the SLUSD Administrators of the Year for the 2020-21 school year.  Mr. Simon serves as the Chief Technology Officer and Mr. Medeiros is the Director of Safety & Emergency Preparedness.


Erica Viray Santos Named SLUSD Teacher of the Year

San Leandro High School’s own Erica Viray Santos was nominated by her peers to represent SLUSD as one of the Alameda County Office of Education’s Teachers of the Year. Ms. Viray teaches in the Social Studies department and the Social Justice Academy (SJA) at San Leandro High School, which she has coordinated since it was founded. She has been an integral part of the SLHS Pirate family since 2008 and has been a highly influential teacher/leader in SJA throughout that time.


District Update

Here’s the latest information on upcoming events and programs.