San Leandro

Unified School District

Author: kmoss

Family Learning Series this Wednesday!

Topic: Creating Community


As we continue our series, we will support each other with hope and positive regard. When we access inner positivity, it boosts our mental health. During the session, we will identify two strategies to increase our connection to community and each other. The session will be interactive, include fun activities, and support families with TK-12th grade students. Spanish and Chinese translation provided.


Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 880 4868 3595 Passcode: 596044


Unity in the Community & SLUSD Dr. MLK Jr. Day Celebration

This year more than any other is a year that we must stand in solidarity behind the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for our country. Given it has been 92 years since his birth, we are overdue on our pledge to deliver his dream for our children.

Unity in the Community in partnership with the San Leandro School District will host a community commemoration and celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Join us in this virtual, interactive celebration for inspiration on continuing his fight for social justice.

Date: Monday, January 18, 2021

Time: 11 AM – 12:30 PM

Click on this link to connect to the meeting via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 889 1375 8161

One tap mobile +16699009128,,88913758161# US (San Jose)

Dial by phone: +1 669 900 9128 +1 346 248 7799


SLUSD Reopening Plan Approved

The Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) has approved our reopening plan! Although current local health conditions prevent our schools from reopening, the approval of our plan by our ACOE and public health officials is an important step in the right direction. As detailed in the plan, distance learning will remain an option for all of our families for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year.

A Message of Support with Current Events for SLUSD Families

Dear SLUSD Community, In the light of a new day, I felt it was important to reach out to let you know that my family and I witnessed the events of yesterday together, like many of you all, and the conversations I have had with my children have been very difficult. Grappling with the frightening images of an insurrection in our country, on top of all of the challenges we have faced together over these many months, caused me to have to reach deep to translate what is continuing to happen in our visibly divided country into a dialogue that can support and uplift my kids to move forward with hope. Many of you may be facing that same struggle.

SLUSD Family Learning Series this Wednesday at 5 pm

Topic: Parental Resilience

The New Year brings with a sense of hope, optimism, and well wishes for our loved ones. How are we bringing that hope and positivity into our parenting/guardianship? We look at the benefits of holding a positive perspective on our bodies and our emotions. We will identify real and practical ways to lift the energy of our households. It is not enough to manage stress; we have to replace it with new energy! The session will be interactive, include fun activities, and support families with TK-12th grade students. Spanish and Chinese translation provided.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 3606 2038

Passcode: 400557