Public Participation In Upcoming Board Meetings
Regular Board Meeting
April 15, 2025 Open Session at 7:00 pm
This regular board meeting will be held at the San Leandro City Hall, Council Chambers, 835 E 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577
The public is warmly invited to attend the regular board meeting.
Members of the public may observe the regular meeting via the live stream link:
The meeting will also be broadcast at
Special Board Meeting – Celebrating Schools
April 29, 2025 at 6:00pm
This special board meeting will be held at the Arts Education Center, 2250 Bancroft Avenue, San Leandro, CA 94577
The public is warmly invited to attend the special board meeting.
Members of the public may observe the special meeting via the live stream link:
The meeting will also be broadcast at
How to Provide Public Comment
Public comment cards will be located on a table near the audience area at the meeting.
Public comments can also be emailed to on or before the day of the board meeting by 3 pm. Public comments received after this deadline will not be included in the public record. There is a 300-word limit.
Attendees who wish to make public comments on any agenda or non-agenda items are strongly encouraged to come to the meeting at least five minutes prior to the meeting’s starting time.
If you need additional accommodations or support for participation in advance of the meeting, please contact Zaira Duncan the executive assistant to the Superintendent, at or at (510) 667-3522.
About the Board of Education
The San Leandro Unified School District Board of Education is comprised of seven members who are elected by the community for a term of four years. The District is divided into six trustee areas. Trustee areas are made as equal as possible in total population as declared by the most recent U.S. census. Board elections take place in November every other year. New board members are sworn in on the first board meeting of December, following the election. The Board of Education develops and sets District policies, which are then implemented by the Superintendent and staff. Each year, the Board of Education works closely with the Superintendent to develop the Superintendent’s Annual Goals. In order to carry out the objectives of the Board, each board member is assigned to at least one committee. Board of Education’s Public Information
Board Meetings
All school board meetings, except closed sessions, are open to the public, which is warmly invited to attend. Regular meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month.
Board meeting minutes are kept on file at the District office and available online.