Facility Tours
(In English)
Washington Eagles received two new classroom buildings that were fully equipped for 21st century learning. Both staff and students are enjoying new restrooms and the blacktop/playground area was completely refurbished! The school also expanded their ADA accessible parking area to provide greater access for our community. See what the students are talking about in our tour videos below.
(En Español)
Washington Eagles recibió dos nuevos edificios de aulas que estaban totalmente equipados para el aprendizaje del siglo XXI. ¡Tanto el personal como los estudiantes disfrutan de baños nuevos y el área de juegos/asfalto fue completamente renovada! La escuela también amplió su área de estacionamiento accesible ADA para brindar un mayor acceso a nuestra comunidad. Vea de qué hablan los estudiantes en los videos de nuestro recorrido a continuación.
Madison Elementary opened a new wing with nine new classrooms, a Science lab, a STEM room, an enormous new library, student restrooms, staff restrooms, and two hydration stations! The project also included a refresh on portable buildings and a brand new Kinder room.
See the new buildings at one of our oldest elementary schools. It’s a brand new day at McKinley!
Wilson Elementary (now Halkin Elementary) got a brand new building with six new modular classrooms!
Four new classrooms and a shade structure for our Jaguars at Jefferson! Thank you San Leandro voters!
Garfield Elementary has ten new classrooms and a new parking area!
Our Falcons have beautiful new outdoor spaces to land.
The San Leandro Adult School received five new classrooms and new ADA-accessible restrooms.
Roosevelt Elementary received ten new modular classrooms, plus restrooms for staff and students, and field renovation with a new TK-K playground.
Project Details
Keeping it Cool
We all know that the physical environment is an important element to learning- and we want to ensure our classrooms and learning spaces are comfortable for students and teachers alike. Our J1 bond dollars helped us install HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) units into every school across the district. This allows students to be comfortable even during the warmest and coldest days while improving air quality.
High efficiency air filters have helped improve air quality in our classrooms too!
New & Improved
Across the district, our schools underwent much-needed repairs and renovations that are important to the teaching and learning environment. This also provided our students and teachers with cleaner, safer schools. From electrical upgrades, new furniture, flooring, and paint, our classrooms are more modernized.
Water on the Go
San Leandro High School, San Leandro High’s Korematsu Campus, Bancroft Middle School, and John Muir Middle School have had brand new hydration stations installed across their campuses. Students now have access to fresh, cold water for bottle refills or a drink from the fountain. Aside from quenching thirst, these handy stations are more environmental, convenient, and help promote healthy habits by encouraging water instead of sugary drinks.
Libraries for the 21st Century
It was time for a makeover! Every elementary and middle school library received a remodel to transform our spaces for better learning for our students. From fresh paint and new flooring to brand new furniture and layouts, our libraries encourage more exploration and collaboration in an ever-changing educational environment. By providing a space that incorporates better ways to gather, focus, and learn while accommodating modern tools and technology, our students are already benefiting from the improvements.
Renovation and Construction of New Classrooms
Using J1 Bond funding, we have replaced portable classrooms at many of our schools with new, permanent modular buildings. These new, energy-efficient classrooms directly support teaching and learning by improving the educational environment for all students.
Safe and Secure Schools
San Leandro Unified optimized the use of physical and technological applications to enhance safety and security throughout the district. New safety features are in place, such as fencing around schools, enhanced security systems, and other safety features for inside and outside campus perimeters. SLUSD has also worked with Alameda County Safe Routes to School to increase student safety for school traffic flows. With safety as a top priority for all of our schools, SLUSD is committed to providing a safe, secure environment for all students, staff, and the community.
Talking & Teaching in Tech
It’s no surprise that 21st-century learning demands that our schools and teachers keep up with the fast pace of technology in the digital age. Using Measure J1 money, we’ve installed interactive 70-inch touch panels into every classroom in every school. This state-of-the-art technology allows teachers to go beyond the traditional classroom experience by educating via a large tablet-like experience. Likewise, students are learning in a way that’s more engaging and interactive.