San Leandro

Unified School District



835 E. 14th Street, Suite 200
San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-667-3500
Fax: 510-667-6234

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For Contractors

We encourage local vendors to apply!


Public Works Contractor Registration Program (DIR SB854)

Prevailing Wage Monitoring Program (DLSE PWC-100)

The San Leandro Unified School District has adopted the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA) set forth at California Public Contract Code (PCC) Section 22000. The CUPCCAA allows the district to conduct Informal Bidding Procedures (PCC Section 22034) for public works construction projects valued at $45,000 up to $175,000 with prequalified contractors. The District will maintain a new list of prequalified contractors for all trades. All previous pre-qualifications shall now be disregarded.

Contractors who would like to participate in the informal bidding program must provide the information required on the Contractors Prequalification Application Form and Questionnaire attached. Please complete the entire form and return either by email to or mail to San Leandro Unified School District, Attn: Michael Blampye, Bond Office, 1145 Aladdin Ave., San Leandro, CA 94577. 

In addition, according to Labor Code 1725.5 Subsection (f) which went into law on July 1, 2017 all contractors who wish to bid or perform work on public works projects are required to register with the Department of Industrial Relations. All agencies, such as the District, shall include in the Notice Inviting Bids and Contract documents provisions that specify that the project is subject to compliances monitoring and enforcement by DIR. The District is required to submit Form PWC-100 to DIR for public projects valued at $15,000 and up for maintenance work and $25,000 and up for new construction, alteration, installation and demolition or repair. Certified Payrolls shall be submitted by the Contractor directly to the DIR. No public works contract shall be awarded to a Contractor and no subcontractor shall perform work unless the firm is properly registered with the DIR. Information regarding DIR Contractor Registration Program and compliance can be accessed online at