SLUSD Announces Planning for Full Reopening in 2021-2022 School Year
SAN LEANDRO, CA – At this week’s Board of Education meeting, SLUSD trustees took unanimous action to plan a full, in-person return to instruction for the 2021-2022 school year if state and local health guidelines and conditions allow the district to do so. This would bring all students back to their schools five days a […]
Celebrating Juneteenth
Please see the message from Dr. McLaughlin regarding Juneteenth in our district and join us in honoring our quest for real freedom for ALL Americans with a time of remembrance and reflection.
Celebrating Juneteenth
Please see the message from Dr. McLaughlin regarding Juneteenth in our district and join us in honoring our quest for real freedom for ALL Americans with a time of remembrance and reflection.
Fill out the daily ParentSquare Health Screening here
If your child is coming to in-person learning, you can save time by submitting the form as early as 7pm the night before!
Watch Principal Hornada’s Welcome Back Video!
See what you need to know before your return to Gatorville!
SLUSD Retirement & Recognition Celebration
Join us in thanking our retiring “Class of 2021” for their many years of service to SLUSD and recognize our current employees for their milestone years of employment. Click here to watch our tribute which starts at 3:30 PM TODAY!
Reopening Readiness
Click here for hybrid learning health and safety information.
Tech Support Line
Trouble with technology? Call (510) 346-0470 for help! You can also reach out to your school or email
Erica Viray Santos Named SLUSD Teacher of the Year
San Leandro High School’s own Erica Viray Santos was nominated by her peers to represent SLUSD as one of the Alameda County Office of Education’s Teachers of the Year. Ms. Viray teaches in the Social Studies department and the Social Justice Academy (SJA) at San Leandro High School, which she has coordinated since it was founded. She has been an integral part of the SLHS Pirate family since 2008 and has been a highly influential teacher/leader in SJA throughout that time.