Home of the Dolphins

Author: communications

What's Happening

Halkin families celebrate Eid al-fiter which begins …

Halkin families are preparing to celebrate the end of Ramadan on April 9, 2024. Ramadan is celebrated by Muslims all around the world, it’s a time of increased worship, charity and good deeds. People who observe Ramadan cannot eat or drink during dayl

What's Happening

Moving Into High School Workshop, Thursday, April 11…

The shift from middle school to high school can be filled with excitement, wonder and intentional planning as we prepare our young people for college, career and community life. How do we as a family prepare for the transition to 9th grade? In this inter

What's Happening

Principal Quock’s Message and Family Newsletter, Wee…

Dear Dolphin Families and Scholars, We can’t wait to welcome you back from Spring Break tomorrow, Monday, April 8, 2024!!! We will be on a regular schedule! Regular Bell Schedule  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Transitional Kinder

What's Happening

Information for Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8, 20…

Greetings Halkin Families and Students, On Monday, April 8, a solar eclipse will be visible across much of the United States. While our community is not in the direct path of totality for the eclipse, we will experience some of its visual effects

What's Happening

Happy Spring Break and Easter warm wishes!

Happy Easter to our  families celebrating Easter today!  Click on the image for a sweet message! Happy Spring Break! SPRING BREAK, NO SCHOOL, APRIL 1-5, 2024

What's Happening


Math Festival! Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 5:00-7:00pm Halkin Elementary Cafeteria Children MUST be accompanied by an adult to attend! Food Vendors will be here if you want to buy snacks or dinner! TAKE-HOME materials will be available too!

What's Happening


Math Festival! Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 5:00-7:00pm Halkin Elementary Cafeteria Children MUST be accompanied by an adult to attend! Food Vendors will be here if you want to buy snacks or dinner! TAKE-HOME materials will be available too!

What's Happening

CORRECTION: Report cards for Trimester 2

Report Cards CORRECTION Report cards for the second trimester are now available on Aeries. If you are not sure how to access your Aeries account, please contact our office at (510) 618-4370 (press 0). The office can also print you a copy of

Halkin Elementary