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SPECIAL EVENT! Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration on 1/17/22 from 10:30-12
Unity in the Community - San Leandro invites the public to join them in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 17 from 10:30-12 noon.  The program will be held on Zoom.  

To join, go to, enter the Meeting ID 872 1447 6163 and Passcode: 562087.

Building on the success of last year's program, there will be a community read of an excerpt of Dr. King's writing. The program will feature keynote speaker Rev. Dr. Dory Blake and vocalist Alex Tate. In addition,  spoken word and speeches from local San Leandro students, and music by SL community members.  All are welcome to join.

Persons who may need Spanish or Cantonese language translation should email by Thursday, January 13.

The program is co-sponsored with the City of San Leandro and the San Leandro Unified School District.

[Monday, Jan 17 at 9:33 AM]
This event is starting in one hour at 10:30 am. Please join us to celebrate the legacy of Dr. King on this special day.