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Madison Mustang Bulletin Nov. 04, 2024

Mustangs RIDE with Pride

Greetings Madison Mustangs!

Wow, October was incredible—and long—but we made it through together! Thank you all for coming out to our Annual Halloween Parade; the students and teachers had a blast!
You may have noticed our newly installed Store Front adjacent to the Front Office is now in operation. This new addition enhances security for our students. Visitors will be buzzed in through the front door, sign in at the office, and then be buzzed through to the rest of the school. Please be patient with us as we all adjust to this new routine.

Election Day is November 5! It is so important for all of us to exercise our Democratic right to cast our vote for the next President of the United States of America!This Wednesday, I’m off to Washington, DC, to receive James Madison's National Blue Ribbon School Award from Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, alongside our Superintendent and Ms. Benway! Wish us well and safe travels. While I’m away, Ms. Hill will be our school's administrative leader.

I want to thank all of our volunteers who helped to make our Lawrence Hall of Science Environmental Detectives Festival a huge success!  This event was brought to us by our community partner SLED!



Monday, 11/4

Tuesday, 11/5

Wednesday, 11/6

Thursday, 11/7

Friday, 11/8

VP Hill Out

Holiday Catalog Fundraiser Starts!

Food & Toy Drive Kicks Off

Election Day

Principal Smith in DC

PD: Grade Level/Job Alike

Principal Smith in DC

Early Release for Report Card Narrative

Principal Smith in DC

Early Release for Report Card Narrative

Upcoming Important Dates:

November 11th - Veterans Day (No School)

November 12th - Reclassification Ceremony/Celebration 6pm

November 14th - Ruby Bridges Walk

November 15th - Fire Drill 8:30am

November 19th - National Blue Ribbon School Celebration

November 25th-29th - Thanksgiving Break

December 5th - Hearing Screening for Grades TK, K, 2nd and 5th

December 9th - Computer Science Night 6pm


JM Student Council Activities:  We Need Your Help

  • Got extra candy? We’ve got you covered! Drop off your surplus at school, and we’ll make sure it’s donated to our service members!

    Last year’s Food and Toy Drive was a huge success, thanks to our incredible community supporting the Davis Street Family Center. Let’s make an even bigger impact this year! Please bring non-perishable food items and new or gently used toys to the bins located around our school. Together, we can make a difference for local children and families!

Staffing Change

It with a heavy heart that I inform you that Alondra our school nurse has decided to take a new job closer to her home.  We will miss her very much! A sub will be at our school for Mon and Tue and a new nurse will begin full time on Wednesday.




Wellness Resources:
DIgital mental health support for youth, young adults, and families by CalHOPE