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English Learner Newsletter Fall 2024
English Learner Newsletter
See what's happening in our multilingual programs!
November 15, 2024
Welcome to the English Learner Fall Newsletter!
Here, we provide our multilingual families with information and resources on English Learner (EL) programs and highlight how we foster multilingualism in our schools and diverse communities.
Mandarin DLI Madison students
Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Continues to Expand in SLUSD
In the 2024-2025 school year, our dual immersion programs have again expanded at four school sites. Bancroft Middle School launched in 7th grade, Halkin Elementary launched in 1st grade, Jefferson Elementary launched in 4th grade, and Madison Elementary launched in 1st grade. In conjunction with this expansion, teachers are engaging in continuous professional learning and development. Dual Language Immersion teachers work with internal coaches and external resources to bring the most updated theory and instructional practices to our dual immersion classrooms.
District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) in Full Swing
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) has been hosting monthly meetings this fall led by the parents on the DELAC Executive Board. This committee holds the responsibility of advising and commenting on district programs that meet the needs of English Learners. The DELAC Board members have done an excellent job of designing meetings that fulfill the requirements of the California Department of Education and inspire collaboration among the site DELAC representatives. SLUSD will hold training for DELAC Representatives in November in order to support parent leadership in the district. DELAC meetings are open to everyone; the calendar of upcoming meetings is here.
DELAC Executive Board Members: Laura Munguia, Rosa Becerra, Katherine Troconis, Alba Rivera
DELAC Executive Board Members: Laura Munguia, Rosa Becerra, Katherine Troconis, Alba Rivera
SLHS English Learners On Excursions
SLHS ELD students have had multiple excursion experiences to practice their language skill in authentic ways. Their adventures began at Toyon Park, where students played games. Their second trip allowed them to navigate BART as they ventured to Oracle Park in San Francisco, where over 120 students experienced their a Giants baseball game. Here they practiced using the baseball terms they had been learning in class while enjoying classic ballpark treats and singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." The third trip took them to the Exploratorium, where students discovered fascinating exhibits like chicken embryo development and hands-on energy experiments, capping off their visit with lunch at the historic Ferry Building. We can’t wait to see where their next trip will be!
Exploratorium, San Francisco
Giants Game, San Francisco
Bancroft Parent Night
Middle School Newcomer Family Workshops
John Muir and Bancroft Middle schools hosted Newcomer Family workshops for families of students who are new to our school community. The EL Specialist, Parent Facilitators, Community School Coordinator and Vice Principals, review school resources, student learning platforms and school and classroom communication used by the school sites. Parents had hands-on practice accessing the resources and viewing students online classroom platforms. Families were able to request Chromebooks for home use and sign-up for student grade notifications. Student Study Center hours as well as teacher contacts and office hours were shared with parents. 
Middles Schools Reclassification and Improvement Celebrations
Students who met reclassification criteria at the end of the 2023-2024 school year up to the first quarter of 2024-2025 school year were recognized at Bancroft and John Muir Middles schools. More than 65 students were able to reclassify at Muir and Bancroft. Families were invited to attend the event and celebrate their child's accomplishments during the Latine Hispanic Heritage Month celebration at Bancroft and Quarter 1 Awards Assembly at Muir. Students who made improvements in English Language Development (ELD) in one of the four areas: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing were also recognized during the celebration.  
Bancroft Reclassification
Bancroft growth
Newcomer Seniors Participate in Trades Fair at Cypress Mandela
We are excited to share that a group of newcomer pathway students were able to participate in the Trades Fair hosted at Cypress Mandela Training Center. Students had the opportunity to engage in various hands-on activities ranging from power washing and screwing bolts, to completing electrical circuits. Different companies shared about jobs varying from management, to electrical and machinery, just to name a few. Students learned about the benefits of unions and entry level wages, they asked questions about health benefits, vacation days and sick days. It was a great experience for all.
Nelson Mandela Trip
Nelson Mandela Trip
Get involved!
Join the next English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting to help plan and support English Learner programs at your child’s school. This is a great way to learn about multilingual programs and advocate for their support. Get involved and get connected!

Questions from our Community
Let us know what you would like to see in future newsletters or parent learning series! We know you are the most crucial support for your child’s education, and we want you to have all the tools and resources you need.