


Home of the Eagles

Author: communications

What's Happening

CSPS – California School Parent Survey

Dear Parents and Guardians: Wishing you and your family a healthy and safe holiday season. Please take a few minutes and complete the  CSPS – California School Parent Survey below. Your feedback is valuable to us. Thank you in advance for your sup

What's Happening

We need your help to make our annual pancake breakfa…

We need your help to make our annual pancake breakfast a successful event Pancake Breakfast will be on December 9th, more information coming soon.. We need the donations by Wednesday December 6. Thank you for your support Please con

What's Happening

CSPS – California School Parent Survey

Dear Parents and Guardians: Wishing you and your family a healthy and safe holiday season. Please take a few minutes and complete the  CSPS – California School Parent Survey below. Your feedback is valuable to us. Thank you in advance for your sup

What's Happening

November 26th Eagle Express

Eagle Express!
S afe. O rganized. A chieving. R espectful.
Hello Eagle Family!


Dear McKinley Families, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgi

What's Happening

Thanksgiving Break

There is NO SCHOOL November 20th to November 24th due to Thanksgiving Break. We will resume school November 27th.

What's Happening


Session 3 will continue Friday November 17th
I hope to see you all there!
7 sesiones educativas con invitados especiales exponiendo los diferentes temas: Sesión 1: 11/03/2023    @8:20 am in room 20 Sesión 2: 11/09/2023   @8:25 am in room

What's Happening

Movie Night! November 17 @5:30 pm

Join us for a family event! You’re welcome to bring a blanket, pillow, or even a portable chair to get comfortable. Please note that students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
Doors open at 5:30, and the movie starts at 6.

What's Happening

Movie Night! November 17 @5:30 pm

Join us for a family event! You’re welcome to bring a blanket, pillow, or even a portable chair to get comfortable. Please note that students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
Doors open at 5:30, and the movie starts at 6.

What's Happening

November 12th Eagle Express

Eagle Express!
S afe. O rganized. A chieving. R espectful.
Hello Eagle Family!


Dear McKinley Families, I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend a

McKinley Elementary