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Principal Update
Greetings James Monroe Community,

This is principal McNeil with an important update.

Thank you to everyone who is selling chocolate for our first school fundraiser! We appreciate you!

ELAC Friday:
This week we will have our second ELAC meeting for multi lingual families, Friday, Oct. 18th at 8:15am in the MPR. We will have coffee and treats and you are welcome to bring a treat to share! 

There is no school for students, Friday, Oct. 25th. Please mark your calendars and plan accordingly. 

Halloween/Dia De Los Muertos/Fall Festival:
We will have our Fall Festival on Thursday, October 31st, and also have our Costume Parade around the block at 1:00pm on that same day.
You should have received a flyer detailing our plans for Thursday, Oct. 31st, and how you can get involved. 
Students (except TK and K students) should bring their costumes to school in a bag on Oct. 31st. TK and K students may wear their costumes to school. There are no full face masks or weapons allowed (even with costumes) at school (keep those at home.)

We need you!! We will have a work session, to get ready for our Fall Festival, on Saturday, Oct. 26th, from 9:00am--12noon (or as long as needed.) We will meet at the James Monroe MPR that morning. We will do things like assemble the games, organize the candy, and get everything ready for our Fall Festival. We need lots of bags of candy, and small prizes for our festival, so please start sending those into the school. For those who have already sent in candy and items, THANK YOU! You can drop candy and items off at the office!
Please stop by our display case in front of the school to see our growing Dia De Los Muertos display. If you would like to bring in a small copy of a photo or item to display, please bring it to Ms. J, who will be coordinating our altar. This holiday celebrates people (and pets) who have passed, and we acknowledge our love and remembrance for them. Please do not send in any special photos or items that can not be replaced. Please make a copy (or we can make a copy for you) of any special photos you would like to display.

Ruby Bridges Day:
Next month we will celebrate Ruby Bridges Day. Ruby Bridges was the first African American student who attended a formerly white only school in Louisiana. We will celebrate some of the courageous children who made it possible for all kids, regardless of race, to go to school together. We will highlight Sylvia Mendez, who was a Latina student who fought to attend a white only school in Southern California, and Mamie Tape, an Asian girl who fought to attend a white only school in San Francisco, in 1885. More information to come on this important recognition of children who are/were heroes, and made a significant contribution in the world, and for our communities.

We have our old folding chairs available for people who would like to take/have some. Our old folding chairs have been replaced and we are offering them to our community. If you would like to pick up some of our old folding chairs tomorrow, feel free to do so. Mr. Joe will support this effort to re-home our old folding chairs. Chairs will be available starting tomorrow, Oct. 17th. 

Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

principal McNeil