Jeannette Mc Neil•4 months ago• Tuesday, Nov 12 at 10:50 AM
•Monroe Elementary
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Greetings James Monroe Community,
This is principal McNeil.
We are a diverse and beautiful school community. Some in our community may be concerned with the national discussions regarding deportation of immigrants. I am also concerned. I am thinking about what that will look like and feel like for for our immigrant communities, and our communities of color, to hear this message and see this policy enacted. In June, 2017, our district passed our Safe Haven/Sanctuary District Policy, 17-07, which affirms our commitment to keeping all students and families safe on our school campuses. Click here to read our: Safe Haven/Sanctuary District Policy Please be assured that at James Monroe, ALL of our children and families will be cared for in the same loving and supportive ways they have always been cared for. We will continue to lead, guide, and teach, with LOVE, and compassion for ALL.
Unfortunately our Big Smiles Dentist day was canceled and rescheduled. The dentist will come Feb. 25th (new date.) Sorry about the inconvenience! Better Together Assembly: This week on Thursday, we will be celebrating children and families who changed the laws for children going to school. We will celebrate Mamie Tape, Sylvia Mendez, and Ruby Bridges. These girls and their families all went to court to change school segregation laws. Mamie Tape was a Chinese girl in San Francisco who fought to go to school in 1884. Instead of letting her into the white school, they created a Chinese school for Chinese children. Sylvia Mendez was a Latina who fought to go to a white school in Southern California, and won! She was admitted to the white school in 1947. Finally, Ruby Bridges was an African American girl who was the first to attend an all white school in Louisiana, in 1954, following the supreme court ruling, Brown Vs. Board of Education, declaring segregated schools illegal. We will have an assembly and take a school photo on Thursday afternoon to celebrate these children and families who changed the world, and to celebrate all the beautiful, diverse members of our school community. The theme of our assembly is Better Together!
Make Up Picture Day: Make up Picture Day will be Friday, November 15th. If your student did not take photos, they will take them Friday, Nov. 15th. If you want to retake your student's pictures, you will need to return the entire order in the envelope.
Parking: Parents, please do not park in (or pull into) the staff parking lots, unless you have a disabled placard. The parking lots are for teachers and staff. Please allow enough time to park on the street and walk your kids into school, if you do not want to use the loop. Also, please be warned that there are tickets being written for cars in the disabled spots without placards. Thank you for your attention to this note.
Bike Mobile: Saturday, Nov. 16th, from 10-2pm, the Bike Mobile will be at James Monroe. They will be fixing old bikes that need minor repairs. Please come early if you would like your bike fixed. Last year, unfortunately, we could not fix all the bikes due to time constraints. This is a very popular FREE program! See you Saturday if you have an old bike that needs fixing! ELAC, Friday, Nov. 22nd, 8:20am in the MPR Enrichment: Our enrichment is coming to an end (first session.) These are the dates of the last class for each our our clubs. Please make note of these dates: Thursday, November 21st- last day for Girls On The Run Tuesday, December 3rd- last day for Soccer, Tuesday Computer Club, and ELD Thursday, December 5th- last day for Puppet Club, Reading Club, Comic Club and Thursday Computer Club Friday, December 13th - last day for Rob Skate-Skateboarding Monday, December 16th- last day for Destiny Arts Hip Hop Thank you to everyone who participated and thanks to all the instructors!
Thanksgiving Break: There will be no school from Nov. 25--29th for the Thanksgiving Break. Please make note of this.