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principal Update
Greetings James Monroe Community,

We have a lot going on this week at Monroe! We continue to celebrate Black History Month! We have an assembly, as well as parents and guardians visiting classes to tell stories and do read alouds! Thank you to Ms. Bendu (Livika's Grandma) and Ms. Catolos (Bella's Mom) who have volunteered to do classroom presentations! Check out our Facebook Page, James Monroe Elementary, to see Ms. Bendu in action! She is amazing! 

School Site Council (SSC) Meeting:
Today, Monday, Feb. 10th we will hold our SSC meeting, 3:30-4:30pm on Zoom (All are Welcome.)

Tonight: Parent, Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting: Feb. 10th, 6pm:
Come to our PTO meeting and help us plan upcoming school wide events such as our Spring Jog a Thon, and our upcoming Book Fair! These are two wonderful events that we would love to have your support with. We will provide pizza, so please respond to this post if you plan to come (so we have enough pizza!) You are also welcome to bring a food item to share! See you at 6pm on Monday, Feb. 10th, in the Monroe MPR.

February Break:
No School for President's Week from Feb. 17--Feb. 21st.

Soul Food Dinner and Celebration of African American History and Culture:
Feb. 27th we will have a Soul Food Dinner with an African Dance Group, and Student Performers.
More details to follow, but be thinking about a special side dish or dessert you can share with our community (mac and cheese, greens, corn bread, black eyed peas, potato salad, peach cobbler, pound cake, etc.) You can make a dish yourself, or buy it from your favorite restaurant or cook! We will provide the main courses! 

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Meetings: March 12th
We will hold two LCAP meetings for all community members to give feedback and give input into our overall planning process for next year. This includes budgetary recommendations. These are very important meetings that we hope many family members can attend. We will have a morning (8:15) and an evening session (6pm,) on Wednesday, March 12th. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Latino/Hispanic Parent Social/Meeting: March. 13th, 8:15am:
We will have a meeting/social with our Latino/Hispanic families to meet together and discuss the current school year and the year ahead. This meeting will be held in Spanish/English. We will have donuts and coffee (and feel free to bring a treat to share.) Our Special Celebrations for our Latino/Hispanic students and families are in the beginning of the year (September and October.) We also want to incorporate culture and history all year round. At our Social, we would like to get family input and build community. Remember that you can always share with principal McNeil and Ms. J any questions, concerns, support, and ideas that you have. You do not need to wait for a meeting! We are here for you and at your service with love.

As a reminder, Monroe meetings/socials are open to all families. You may always attend parent meetings if you are interested in the topic, would like to participate, and feel you have something to contribute. All are welcome!


Know Your Rights


All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The Know Your Rights Red Cards were created to help people assert their rights and defend themselves against constitutional violations. Knowing and asserting rights can make a huge difference in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home. Red cards provide critical information on how to assert these rights, along with an explanation to ICE agents that the individual is indeed asserting their rights.

If you would like to receive one of these Red Cards in your language, please reach out to Ms. J. She will help you get one,, or respond to this post.

You may be hearing different things happening at the national level that may or may not impact you and your children. At Monroe we will remain steadfast in celebrating our students and cultures, supporting our kids to be fully themselves as they define themselves, and providing the best support services that we possibly can. Our District and our City and our State continue to support us in our work. We are grateful and remain committed to our Mission and Vision.

Monroe Vision: Our community is compassionate, inclusive, engaged, and collaborative; providing a safe,   equitable, and rigorous learning environment, promoting success, social justice, and resiliency     for all.

Monroe Mission: Our mission is to compassionately engage students in rigorous, relevant, learning, that is  simultaneously student centered and standards based.  


SLUSD Mission: SLUSD mission is to provide “Responsive, personalized, learning pathways, for career  and college readiness”

Have a wonderful week and keep in touch as needed!

principal McNeil