Greetings James Monroe Community,
This is principal McNeil with an update.
Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a great week off. We are back and ready for some great times ahead.
Black History Program: Thursday, Feb. 27th (tomorrow,) 6-7:00pm, Monroe MPR
Featuring a Wonderful Soul Food Dinner for All!
This week we have our Black History Program. We will serve a Soul Food Dinner, and have some special programming.
We will have African Dancers, Ms. Lau's class will perform, and we will have a special story by Ms. Griffin!
And we will have a delicious Soul Food dinner! All are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Please bring an item to share if you can!
Thanks to all the parents and Family Members who have worked to put this program together! And thanks to our Community Schools program that assists in everything we do! Thanks to SLED who is helping with our funding!
Enrichment classes and activities are in full swing (volleyball starts mid march.) The kids are so happy and excited for their new clubs!
School Smarts (for those participating) will be on March 7th, at 8:15am. Mark your calendars!
We have started ELPAC testing for our multi-lingual students. We will start State Academic Testing for 3rd-5th grade students in April.
Have a wonderful day, enjoy the sunshine, and I will see you at the Soul Food Dinner and Black History Program tomorrow evening! DON'T MISS IT!
principal McNeil