
James Monroe


Home of the Eagles

Category: What’s Happening

What's Happening

SLUSD Family Learning Series TONIGHT 2/7 at 5 PM! To…

SLUSD Family Learning Series Wednesday, February 7, 5:00 – 6:00 pm Zoom Meeting Link Topic:  Celebrating Diversity San Leandro schools are very diverse, and it acknowledges the backgrounds of all students. During this interactive session

What's Happening

Principal Update

Greetings James Monroe Community, This is principal McNeil. Happy Black/African American History Month!  We had a wonderful kick off assembly that we all enjoyed, “Hip Hop 4 Change.” We were featured on the SLUSD Facebook Page! We learned the 4

What's Happening

Shaping Our Future: February SLUSD Update!


February, 2024

(Conceptual rendering of the new library, music building, and student union at San Leandro High School)

What's Happening

Principal Update

Greetings James Monroe Community, This is principal McNeil. Thank you to everyone who came and enganged with our student’s for Project Based Learning Sharing Day last week! The kids really enjoyed having all of you on campus learning with us! A

What's Happening

Project Based Learning (PBL) Sharing This Morning!

Hello Monroe Community, This is principal McNeil. PBL Sharing will go on even with this rain! Please plan to drop your students off as usual, and join us at 8:15 in the MPR. We will have space in the library before school for parents to wait (if th

What's Happening

Project Based Learning Day

Greetings James Monroe Community, This is principal McNeil. PBL Sharing Morning is Tomorrow! Don’t miss it! Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 24th is our Monroe Annual PBL Sharing Day. This is the day we invite our community into classrooms, and studen

What's Happening

Monroe PBL Sharing Morning, Next Wed. Jan. 24th, 8:1…

Hello Families, Please join us for a wonderful event at James Monroe! Come see your kids shine as they share their learning with our community. Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working

What's Happening

Incident Today

Greetings James Monroe Community, This is principal MCNeil. Today there was police activity down the street from our school. For a brief moment we called the kids and staff into the buildings out of an abundance of caution. At no time was there any pol

What's Happening

Welcome Back and Happy New Year!

Greetings James Monroe Community, This is principal McNeil. Welcome back to school! We have had a wonderful first week back. It has been great seeing everyone and getting back into the learning and fun! The kids were so happy to see their friends a

What's Happening

SPECIAL EVENT! San Leandro High School Notables Bene…

Experience a century of hits with the SLHS Notables at their Benefit Concert! This student-run event supports their New York trip to Carnegie Hall. Join us for “Notables Presents: Through the Decades – 100 Years of Music,” featuring songs from Taylor Swi

Monroe Elementary