
James Monroe


Home of the Eagles

Category: What’s Happening

What's Happening

principal Update

Greetings James Monroe, This is principal McNeil with an update. We had our James Monroe election assembly today, and the students did AMAZING! They gave fabulous speeches with tons of confidence, and showed so much dedication to our school. Our fourth

SLUSD November Update: Giving Thanks for Our Community

SLUSD Update
Giving Thanks for Our Community
November 1, 2024

(Pictured from left to right: Trustee Diana Prola, Trustee James Aguilar, Trustee Peter Oshinski, Board President Evelyn González, Board Vice Presid

What's Happening

principal Update

Greetings James Monroe, This is principal McNeil.  Remember that this Sunday we turn our clocks back one hour! Fall Back is This Sunday! We had a fabulous Fall Festival and Costume Parade! A huge shout out and Thank You to all the parents an

What's Happening

Student Council Elections

Hello, Please click on this link ​for information regarding the ​Monroe Student Council Election process. This opportunity (to run for Monroe School Office) is open to all 4th and 5th grade students. Please review the information in this link to under

What's Happening

Join Us for the Grand Opening of the New San Leandro…

We are excited to invite you to the Grand Opening of the brand-new San Leandro High School gym on Wednesday, October 23, at 5:30 PM! This state-of-the-art facility, located at  2200 Bancroft Avenue , was made possible thanks to Measure N voters, and we

What's Happening

Principal Update

Greetings James Monroe Community, This is principal McNeil with an important update. Thank you to everyone who is selling chocolate for our first school fundraiser! We appreciate you! ELAC Friday: This week we will have our second

Press Release: SLUSD Principal Paulette Smith Honore…

Press Release

October 16, 2024

SLUSD Principal Paulette Smith Honored with 2024 Terrel H. Bell Award for Outstanding School Leadership

Principal Smith has been recognized for her exceptional leadership and dedication

Press Release: San Leandro Unified School District A…

Press Release

October 9, 2024

SLUSD Announces Landmark Partnership with Cal State East Bay for Automatic Enrollment of Qualified Students

Qualified students will have a clear path to higher education with guaranteed

What's Happening

Parent/Teacher Conference Week This Week: Special Ea…

Greetings James Monroe Community, This is principal McNeil with some important reminders! This week is Parent/Teacher Conference week. There is no enrichment this week , and we have a special early dismissal schedule. Schedule This Week:

Press Release: San Leandro Unified Educator Arcy Dev…

Press Release

October 4, 2024

San Leandro Unified Educator Arcy Devera Named Alameda County Teacher of the Year

Ms. Devera was one of two winners of the Alameda County Office of Education Teacher of the Year awards,

Monroe Elementary