
James Monroe


Home of the Eagles

Category: What’s Happening

What's Happening

Important Principal Update

Greetings James Monroe, This is principal McNeil. Next week there is Extra Early dismissal. The schedule is as follows: TK/K, 11:40 dismissal all week (10/7–10/11) 1st-3rd Grade, 12:50 dismissal all week (10/7–10/11) 4th/5th G

What's Happening

Get Your Tickets for San Leandro High School’s Produ…

SLHS Dramatic Arts Presents: CLUE High School Edition   Join us for a thrilling performance of  Clue: High School Edition , based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn, written by Sandy Rustin, with additional material by Hunter Foster and Eric Price. This

What's Happening

PTO Tonight at 6pm in the Monroe MPR

Hello Monroe Community, Don’t forget we will have our 2nd PTO meeting (with elections) tonight! Bring a small dish to share and let’s get ready for our chocolate fundraiser and our Fall Festival! Our meeting is in the Monroe MPR (off the loop,) at 6pm.

SLUSD October Update: Embracing the Season of Change

SLUSD Update
Embracing the Season of Change
October 1, 2024

Dear San Leandro Unified Staff and Families,

As October begins, we’re reminded of the natural rhythm of change and growth. Like the changing se

What's Happening

principal Update

Greetings James Monroe, This is principal McNeil with an update. Thank you to all the families that have been coming out to our events! We have had an amazing turn out of families at our New Family Welcome Event, our first ELAC meeting, and our first P

What's Happening

School Site Council Voting (Corrected)

​ Greetings James Monroe Community, This is principal McNeil. The link should be corrected and you should now be able to vote for School Site Council (SSC.) You may vote for 1 or 2 candidates (this is somewhat of a formality.) Thank you to th

Press Release: James Madison Elementary Named 2024 N…

Press Release

September 24, 2024

James Madison Elementary Recognized as 2024 National Blue Ribbon School

Madison is one of 356 Schools Nationwide Honored with the Prestigious 2024 National Blue Ribbon Award for Exemp

What's Happening

School Site Council, 2024-25, Link to Vote

Greetings James Monroe, This is principal McNeil. Please vote for 1-2 new SSC parent candidates. These two candidates will join our returning SSC parents and teachers. Ms. Jennifer Lam is a parent leader with two students at Monroe, Sophia (Kinder) and

What's Happening

Principal Update

Greetings James Monroe, This is principal McNeil. Picture Day: Picture day is this Thursday, Sept. 26th. You may send in payment in the envelope provided, or you may order photos online. If you send money in an envelope the day of pic

What's Happening

Principal Update

Greetings James Monroe, This is principal McNeil with an update. Monroe is a Community School, and received a Community Schools Grant through our District. This week we had District Administrators, and visitors from the Alameda County Office of Edu

Monroe Elementary