John Muir

Middle School

SLUSD Reopening Timeline

SLUSD has shared the current status of planning to reopen school facilities for the 2020-21 school year, including:


In early June, the Reopening Schools Task Force – composed of district/school staff, principals, teachers, and parents – reviewed thousands of staff and community surveys to synthesize and summarize key recommendations for planning.

In mid-June, district leaders, principals, and bargaining members formed targeted work groups to create preliminary reopening proposals for elementary, middle, and high school. 

By the end of June, principals will share preliminary plans with SLUSD Cabinet Leadership.  These site-based plans are grounded in local public health recommendations, state/county guidance, and community feedback. 

Using these plans, SLUSD Cabinet Leadership will finalize plans and work with our labor partners in early July. Most decisions will require bargaining group consensus.

On July 14, 2020, SLUSD Cabinet Leadership will present to the board preliminary decisions and labor agreements. All decisions will represent the district’s current best planning, given the variability of public health response.

On July 15, SLUSD will present School Reopening Plans to district families via ParentSquare and the district’s website at Plans are projected to include details on a blended model of in-person/distance learning and plans for a full distance learning model, as needed.

The state and county both recently issued updated guidance for school reopening. Face coverings and physical distancing are primary recommendations. SLUSD has also developed a draft COVID-19 safety plan with district-specific recommendations, which will be shared publicly upon completion.

Safety: We are currently procuring personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks, face shields, disinfectant, sanitizer, and gloves in anticipation of needs.Technology Access: We are obtaining new Chromebooks and hotspots to ensure full access for all students. 

We were fortunate to receive insightful feedback through 2000 family surveys and almost 600 staff surveys in late May.  Our planning efforts are guided by the overwhelming concerns for safety, the need to strengthen distance learning, and the desire to more effectively meet the social and emotional needs of our students and staff. 
The data also indicates that our community is roughly divided on returning to some form of in-person instruction or remaining in a full-time distance learning model. 
Our Reopening Schools Task Force and work groups have also provided ongoing community feedback to assist the district in planning

In summary, we look forward to releasing our preliminary School Reopening Plans on July 15, 2020. These plans will remain fluid and subject to change with emerging public health guidance. 

Thank you for your patience and collaboration as we build clarity on the 2020-21 school year. Questions and feedback may be directed to


835 E. 14th Street, Suite 200
San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-667-3500
Fax: 510-667-6234


Falcon Newsletter 3.14.25

Falcon Newsletter
Your Source for All JMMS Information!
March 14, 2025

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Dear Muir Community,

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John Muir Middle