John Muir

Middle School


835 E. 14th Street, Suite 200
San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-667-3500
Fax: 510-667-6234

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John Muir Middle School

John Muir Middle School is a safe, inclusive community where everyone is actively engaged in learning. Located at 1444 Williams Street94577, John Muir serves half of the ten to thirteen-year-old children living in San Leandro, California. Enrollment for John Muir is approximately 998. Demographics: Hispanic or Latino, 42%; Asian, 18%; Filipino, 13%; African-American, 10%; White, 8%, two or more races, 8%; Pacific Islander, 1%; Native American, 1%. Classes begin at 8:20 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. except Tuesdays and Wednesdays, when school ends at 2 p.m. for professional development.


School mascot: The Falcon. School colors: Red and black. 


Main Phone/Front Office: 510-618-4400, x3700

Title Name Email
Elisa Alvarez
Vice Principal
Mycel Jacob
Vice Principal
Dylan Charrin-Nguyen
Denise Farrell
Paul Smith
CJ Patterson
Administrative Assistant
Claudia Costa
Student Records Clerk
Toni Pantonial
Attendance Secretary
Bigda Valdez
Parent Facilitator
Maria Ochoa
Parent Facilitator
Jonathan Almendarez
Cafeteria Manager
Theresa Penrod
Head Custodian
Anthony Santillan
Campus Supervisor
Mason Hayenga
Campus Supervisor
Kristin Giordano
Campus Supervisor
Tajai Staley-Concepcion
John Muir Middle