LCAP – Get involved!
Learn more about the LCAP process and how you can help us ensure ALL students succeed.
1448 Williams St., San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-667-6287 | Fax: 510-357-8794
1448 Williams St., San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-667-6287 | Fax: 510-357-8794
Learn more about the LCAP process and how you can help us ensure ALL students succeed.
This week’s topic is Transforming Trauma: Resilience, and Healing.
We have been living with uncertainty for nearly a year and for many of us living with uncertainty has caused a great deal of physical and/or emotional trauma. This session will help you understand trauma and the impact trauma has on our day-to-day lives. This session will also discuss the “hope” that comes with transforming trauma through resilience and healing by way of protective factors and social justice. Please join us as we continue to develop tools and gather resources to support the health and wellness of our SLUSD scholars. Translation in Spanish & Chinese will be provided.
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Meeting ID: 248 145 6436
Passcode: 276798
Topic: Creating Community
As we continue our series, we will support each other with hope and positive regard. When we access inner positivity, it boosts our mental health. During the session, we will identify two strategies to increase our connection to community and each other. The session will be interactive, include fun activities, and support families with TK-12th grade students. Spanish and Chinese translation provided.
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-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This year more than any other is a year that we must stand in solidarity behind the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for our country. Given it has been 92 years since his birth, we are overdue on our pledge to deliver his dream for our children.
Unity in the Community in partnership with the San Leandro School District will host a community commemoration and celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Join us in this virtual, interactive celebration for inspiration on continuing his fight for social justice.
Date: Monday, January 18, 2021
Time: 11 AM – 12:30 PM
Click on this link to connect to the meeting via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 889 1375 8161
One tap mobile +16699009128,,88913758161# US (San Jose)
Dial by phone: +1 669 900 9128 +1 346 248 7799
The Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) has approved our reopening plan! Although current local health conditions prevent our schools from reopening, the approval of our plan by our ACOE and public health officials is an important step in the right direction. As detailed in the plan, distance learning will remain an option for all of our families for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year.
Topic: Parental Resilience
The New Year brings with a sense of hope, optimism, and well wishes for our loved ones. How are we bringing that hope and positivity into our parenting/guardianship? We look at the benefits of holding a positive perspective on our bodies and our emotions. We will identify real and practical ways to lift the energy of our households. It is not enough to manage stress; we have to replace it with new energy! The session will be interactive, include fun activities, and support families with TK-12th grade students. Spanish and Chinese translation provided.
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Meeting ID: 859 3606 2038
Passcode: 400557
Dear SLUSD Community,
I am pleased to share our Reopening Plan that was discussed at last night’s school board meeting. The plan includes the components required by the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) to reopen our school facilities and will be submitted for their review.
Topic: Dealing with Stress and Fatigue
The Winter holidays are known to be a time of joy, family, and giving. Yet, they are also known to bring experiences of stress and fatigue. In this session, we will co-create space to name three types of fatigues. Then we will articulate real strategies to manage stress and interrogate our resistance to self-care. Participants will learn strategies to manage themselves and others’ expectations during Winter break. The session will be interactive, include fun activities, and support families with TK-12th grade students. Spanish and Chinese translation provided.
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Meeting ID: 818 1139 2817
Passcode: 594603