San Leandro Adult
and Career Education Center

Category: Uncategorized


Reopening Update

At last night’s school board meeting, Dr. McLaughlin gave an update on reopening, including a tentative timeline to offer targeted, in-person support for small cohorts after the end of the student school day in mid-January.

Watch the board presentation here.


Leave Us Feedback About the New SLHS Gym!

We are designing a state-of-the-art new gymnasium for San Leandro High school. These improvements are made possible by the generous support of San Leandro voters through

Statement on Alameda County Moving to Red Tier

Dear SLUSD Community,

With yesterday’s news that Alameda County has moved into the Red Tier from the Purple Tier under the State of California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy1, you are likely wondering how this affects SLUSD. I will explain how this new information relates to our planning, and what this means for us right now.

SL Adult and Career Education Center