San Leandro High School

Home of the Pirates


835 E. 14th Street, Suite 200
San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-667-3500
Fax: 510-667-6234

Mar 9 – 15, 2025

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Rules & Policies

Attendance = Success

Daily attendance is critical to student success at SLHS. To achieve and earn credits, students must attend every class every day and be on time. 

How do I report absences?

Report any absences for your student as soon as possible. You can contact the SLHS Attendance office in multiple ways:

  • Directly through the ParentSquare app
  • Email the attendance office at Be sure to leave your child’s name and the date for the absence in your message.
  • By phone at (510) 618-4600 ext. 4601. Be sure to leave your child’s name and the date for the absence in your message.

Are absence and late notes required?

  • If your student is absent from school for any reason, the absence MUST be cleared within 48 hours, or a cut will be issued.
  • You may call the Attendance Office to clear an absence. If you do not call the Attendance Office, then upon return to school, the student MUST have a note written by a parent/guardian excusing the absence. Notes must contain the student’s full first and last name and be brought into the Attendance Office immediately upon the student’s return to school. 
  • Parents may check on a student’s attendance by calling the Attendance Office anytime between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm at 618-4600 ext. 4601. They will gladly assist you with any information regarding your student’s attendance.

May students leave at lunch?

SLHS is a closed campus, and students cannot leave campus during lunch.

How do I sign my student out of school early?

Before school starts in the morning, your student must obtain a Permit to Leave from the Attendance Office whenever they have an appointment or must leave school for any reason. A note written by a parent/guardian or a phone call from a parent/guardian must be provided on the day of the appointment.


  • A tardy is defined as a student arriving late to class (within 10 minutes)
  • Students who arrive after 20 minutes are considered absent.
  • There are no excused or unexcused tardies – the system does not differentiate.
  • Absences not cleared within 48 hours will be marked as unexcused absences/cuts.
  • Teachers should not keep students after class and make them late for the next class. Teachers do not have to see notes from other teachers as “excused” tardies – it is at their discretion.
  • Teachers should discourage students from leaving the first or last 10 minutes of class unless it is an emergency.

Consequences for Tardies/Cuts:

  • Tardy Policy: The Tardy policy is based on progressive disciplinary measures. Teachers will manage tardies individually and administratively by Assistant Principals when they become excessive. Parents/guardians are notified daily via ParentSquare of daily absences and tardies.

Student Conduct

Standards for acceptable conduct are necessary to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. San Leandro High School has established such standards, in accordance with the goals and philosophy of the school, that are intended to provide such an atmosphere as well as to help instill a sense of character and self-discipline in our students. These standards are realized through the combined and cooperative efforts of faculty, students, and parents.

While the uniqueness of the individual case will determine the appropriate procedure, it is the teacher’s responsibility to resolve behavioral problems at the classroom level whenever possible. It should be emphasized, however, that the Counseling staff and the Assistant Principals are responsible for providing the support and service that the teacher may require. Such a policy is intended to enhance an effective learning relationship between teacher and student. All resources should be utilized in attempts to solve the problem.

Parents should be involved early; if necessary, all school personnel should be utilized to identify the problem and effect a positive behavioral change. Recognition of a developing problem and prompt remedial action can often prevent serious behavioral problems from emerging.

Closed Campus

San Leandro High School is a closed campus. Students must remain on campus throughout the school day, including nutrition breaks. Parking lots and the front of the school are off-limits to students during school hours, including passing periods and nutrition breaks. The only exceptions are students enrolled in special programs such as the Regional Occupational Center Program (ROP). Any student leaving campus must have an ROP pass or a PERMIT TO LEAVE issued from the Attendance office. Students leaving without a pass will receive a cut and are subject to search upon return. The pool area, backfield, and back gate are all off-limits during lunchtime.
  • SIGN OUT BEFORE you leave for an appointment (doctor/dentist, illness, or for personal reasons)
  • SIGN IN when checking back into school or coming in late. Students are not allowed to leave to get food for lunch. If parents choose to bring students food during lunch, they must bring it so students have time to eat during designated lunchtime.

Hate Language/Hate Motivated Behavior Policy

“All pupils have a right to participate fully in the educational process, free from discrimination and harassment.” (State of California Education Code, Sec. 45). In support of the Education Code and the San Leandro Unified School District’s Board Policy 6.2(18) San Leandro High School does not tolerate any form of hate language and/or hate-motivated behavior. Such behavior is defined as verbal harassment and/or acts that degrade an individual based on personal characteristics or status. These characteristics include, but are not limited to, race, ethnicity, culture, heritage, sexuality, or religion. Students who engage in such language or acts will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion (see also page 14, Discipline Code). If you feel your child is a victim of bullying behavior, please contact the office.

Hallway Behavior and Hall Passes

Students should not be out of class without a visible pass and should not be out the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of class time. Students out of class will be stopped by campus supervisors and asked to produce a hall pass and a student I.D. card. Students without an appropriate pass or identification will be subject to disciplinary action. While in our halls and common areas, demonstrate safety, accountability, integrity, and leadership.

Dress Standards

We intend to maintain a safe, non-disruptive environment so that students may focus on learning. 
  • Footwear will be worn at all times for reasons of health and safety.
  • Intimidating clothing, harassing, degrading, and in conflict with the mission of the school will not be allowed.
  • Use of Profanity: In support of the Board Policy of San Leandro Unified School District, San Leandro High School does not tolerate profanity in classrooms or on the school grounds.  Students who engage in this behavior will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension.


  • Non-students are not permitted on campus. They will be asked to leave with the understanding that a second violation will result in an arrest. We do not issue guest or visitor passes for Non-Students or adults who do not have a valid reason to be on campus.


  • Bicycles and Skateboards Used for Transportation: Bicycles are not allowed in the hallways at any time. Bicycles ridden to school MUST be parked in a bike rack and may not be ridden or walked through the campus during school hours. Skateboards that are ridden to school MUST NOT be ridden on campus.
  • Banned Items: A student has no valid reason to have some objects on campus, although parents may allow their student to possess them off campus. Aside from obviously banned items such as weapons, while on campus, students must not possess paraphernalia associated with drug use, felt marking pens or spray paint associated with graffiti, pornographic pictures or reading material, fireworks of any type, or heavy jewelry or other accessories that can be used as weapons. Should a student choose to bring them to school anyway, the school is not responsible for their loss. The school will confiscate any electronic devices that do not belong on campus.

Students who have electronics confiscated will be able to retrieve them at the end of the day the first time. The second and subsequent times, parents must pick up. Progressive discipline will also be implemented.

Confiscated items may be picked up in the assistant principal’s office. Every effort is made to keep confiscated property secure. However, the school is not responsible for items that may become lost or misplaced.


Student parking will be in the south shop parking area and the parking area between the gym and the tennis courts. The speed limit on campus is 5 miles per hour.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment violates Title VII or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, regulatory guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, California law, and District Board policy. Therefore, sexual harassment will not be tolerated.

Examples of Sexual Harassment:

  • Unwelcome leering, sexual flirtation, or propositions
  • Unwelcome sexual slurs, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments or sexually degrading descriptions
  • Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body or overly personal conversation
  • Sexual jokes, stories, drawings, pictures or gestures
  • Spreading sexual rumors
  • Teasing or sexual remarks
  • Touching an individual’s body or clothing in a sexual way
  • Cornering or blocking of normal movements
  • Displaying sexually suggestive objects in the educational environment

Discipline and Severance of Attendance

The Board of Education holds all personnel responsible for the proper conduct and control of pupils while under the legal supervision of the school and supports all personnel acting within the framework of State and Federal law and district policy. Pupils shall be suspended when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct or when the immediate safety of staff and students is in danger. For the purposes of this policy, “suspension” is defined as the removal of a pupil from ongoing instruction for adjustment purposes but does not include removal from the class for the remainder of the class period more than once every five school days.

Exclusive Causes for Suspension
To suspend or recommend expulsion, the Assistant Principal must determine that the pupil has committed any offense specified in Class 1 below or determine that the pupil has committed any offense specified in Class 2 below and (1) that other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct, (2) that due to the nature of the violation, the presence of the pupil causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the pupil or others.

  • Class I Offenses

    • Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person. Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object unless, in the case of possession of any such object, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred by a school administrator.

    • Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind. Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled alcoholic beverage or an intoxicant of any kind, and then either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.

    • Committed robbery or extortion.

  • Class 2 Offenses

    • Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.

    • Stole or attempted to steal school property or private property.

    • Possessed or used tobacco, except as provided in rules and regulations adopted by the governing board.

    • Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.

    • Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia.

    • Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in their duties.

Sexual Harassment
Effective January 1, 1993, the State of California Education Code has been amended to specify disciplinary actions for students involved in committing sexual harassment. The Education Code defines sexual harassment as:“unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone…in(an)…educational setting under several conditions including the following: if the conduct has the purpose or effect of hurting the individual’s work or academic performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile…educational environment,”then sexual harassment has been committed.

The law also now adds that a pupil may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion for sexual harassment.

Suspension by Teacher
A teacher may suspend from the class for the day of the suspension and the day following for either a class 1 or class 2 offense, providing the following is completed before the teacher leaves school or the day:

Immediately report the suspension and send the student to the Assistant Principal. As soon as possible, the teacher shall ask the parent or guardian of the pupil to attend a parent-teacher conference regarding the suspension. An assistant principal will attend the conference at the teacher’s request, and whenever practical, a school counselor or school psychologist shall attend the conference.

Work Assignments
The teacher of any class from which a pupil is suspended may require the suspended pupil to complete any assignments and tests missed during the suspension. Students who are pending expulsion and are removed from campus are still SLHS students until expelled by the board. You must provide homework/long-term assignments for them. These assignments can be alternative assignments and projects. If the student completes these assignments, the teacher must issue a grade for their work.

Appeal of Suspension
If suspension is ordered by an Assistant Principal, the pupil or pupil’s parent or guardian shall have the right to request a meeting with the Principal. The meeting shall be held within three (3) school days of the time such request is received. If the Principal determines that the penalty imposed was inappropriate for the violation, all records and documentation concerning the suspension shall be revised to indicate only the facts leading to the penalty imposed or destroyed if it is determined that there was no basis for suspension.

Teacher Responsibilities


Teachers will follow a positive, progressive discipline program to guarantee students’ rights to due process. Exceptions include violence, intoxication, weapons or drugs. Good judgment must be used when handling discipline. Classroom matters include misbehavior, leaving class without permission, improper language, tardiness, school or class rule violations, and failure to serve detention.

Teachers will follow a positive, progressive discipline program to guarantee students’ rights to due process. Exceptions include violence, intoxication, weapons, or drugs. Good judgment must be used when handling discipline. Classroom matters include misbehavior, leaving class without permission, improper language, tardiness, school or class rule violations, and failure to serve detention.
Parents should be involved early; all school personnel should be utilized, if necessary, to identify the problem and effect a positive behavioral change.  Recognition of a developing problem and prompt remedial action can often prevent serious behavioral problems.

The following sequence of due process procedures will be used in progressive discipline. Exceptions are to be referred directly to the Assistant Principal. The steps to follow for each infraction are:
  • Identify and define the problem and attempt to resolve the problem at the earliest stage with teacher/student counseling and reminding of the expectation appropriate behavior.
  • Impose teacher consequence (detention).
  • Teacher/home contact (request conference, phone contact).
  • Consequences for not following School-Wide Expectations
  • Possible Consequences for violations of our violations will depend on the severity and is by Ed. Code.
  • Verbal Warning and Reminder of the Expectation.
  • Removal from the Learning Environment to the Think Tank to Contact Parent and reflect on Behavior.
  • Issued School Detention Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:10-4:00 pm
  • Possible Suspension if a violation of Ed. Code 

San Leandro High School strives to maintain a productive and safe learning environment for all students. Cell phones are an important tool for student safety, for staying connected with family and friends, and for engaging in certain school activities. Unfortunately, if not used responsibly they can become a distraction to the learning environment and a target for theft. The purpose of this letter is to share with you changes to the cell phone policy at San Leandro High School and to re-emphasize policies and best practices that help to ensure safe and appropriate use of cell phones. 

Cell Phone Policy

Unless otherwise specified by the teacher, cell phones* are to be

  1. Turned off before entering the classroom
  2. Turned off and out of sight inside the classroom
  3. Not turned on until student has left the classroom

*This policy applies to earbuds/headphones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices.

The following disciplinary action will be applied to cell phone policy violations:

1st offense: warning, parent notification
2nd offense: confiscated in office for student pick up after school; parent notification
3rd offense: confiscated in office for parent pick up
4th offense: referred to an administrator for a possible parent conference, suspension, or other disciplinary action for violation of Ed Code 48900(k)–Defiance/disruption

Suggestions for preventing cell phone theft

  1. Cell phones should never be left out on desks, counters, benches, or other places in plain sight. The safest place for cell phones is at home. If cell phones must be brought to school, they should be left in a secure pouch in the student’s backpack, in a clothing pocket where they cannot be seen, or in the student’s hallway locker.
  2. Cell phones should not be left in P.E. lockers. Students who must bring cell phones to school should leave their cell phones in their hallway lockers during P.E. Hallway lockers are more secure as hallways have security cameras. Students must always ensure their locks are correctly locked and must never share their combinations.
  3. All families concerned about theft of cell phones should ensure that the cell phone has tracking and that they can access the tracking in case the phone goes missing. Families should also purchase insurance that protects against theft or loss of cell phones.

Contacting your student during the school day

We understand that emergencies come up and for this reason will assist any parent or family member needing to contact a student during the school day. Any person wishing to contact an SLHS student outside of lunch time, must call the office at 510-618-4600. The office can relay a message to the student or call the student out of class to come to the office to take the phone call. Parents/family members attempting to contact their student via cell phone should not expect to receive a response during class time and should instead instruct their student to respond during lunch time or after school.

Students contacting families during the school day

Any student who needs to contact their family during class time, must ask their teacher for a pass to the attendance or FTK office. The student will check in with the staff in the attendance or FTK office and will be allowed to make the phone call from the school phone.

Cheating on assignments and tests:

Students caught using cell phones to cheat on assignments or tests, in addition to disciplinary action steps outlined in the cell phone policy, are subject to receiving a zero for the assignment or test. Additional consequences may apply to students depending on the severity of the situation. Additionally, cheating on certain state-mandated tests is subject to immediate suspension from school and/or loss of privileges.


San Leandro High School