San Leandro

Unified School District



835 E. 14th Street, Suite 200
San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-667-3500
Fax: 510-667-6234

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Restorative Justice Practices

Restorative Justice (RJ) is a set of principles and practices inspired by indigenous values used to build community, respond to harm/conflict and provide individual circles of support for students. The goal of RJ is build, maintain and restore relationships between members of the school community. RJ practices occurs in tiered stages:

  • Prevention/Relate is characterized by the use of social-emotional skills and practices to build relationships, creating shared values and guidelines. The goal is to build a caring, intentional, and equitable community with conditions conducive to learning.
  • Intervention/Repair is characterized by the use of non-punitive response to harm/conflict such as harm circles, mediation, or family-group conferencing to respond to disciplinary issues in a restorative manner. This process addresses the root causes of the harm, supports accountability for the offender, and promotes healing for the victim(s), the offender, and the school community.
  • Individualized/Re-Integrate supports the re-entry of youth following suspension, truancy, or expulsion. The goal is to welcome students to the school community in a manner that provides wraparound support and promotes student accountability and achievement.
    Restorative practices support San Leandro Unified School District’s instructional vision to provide all students responsive, personalized learning pathways for college and career readiness.