


Home of the Wildcats

Office will be closed

The office will be officially closed for the summer as of June 23rd. The office will reopen on Aug 3rd from 8:15-3:30pm. The first day of school will be on Aug 17th. Have a safe summer break, and we will see our students on Aug 17th.

La oficina esta oficialmente cerrada durante el verano desde el Junio 23. La oficina reabrira el 3 de Agosto de 8:15-3:30pm. El primer dia de clases sera el 17 de Agostos. Que tengan unas vacaciones de verano seguras y veremos a nuestros estudiantes el 17 de Agosto.

Washington Elementary

250 Dutton Ave, San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-618-4360
Fax: 510-346-6084


What's Happening?

Washington Elementary