SSC Agenda Budget/Presupuesto para el año escolar 2020-21Plan for Student Achievement 2021-22/ Plan único para el logro estudiantil 2021-22 | Washington Elementary SchoolSchool Site Council (SSC)Junta del Consejo escolar Please join the principal and SSC members to discuss topics of importance related to School Funding and Washington’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Por favor acompañen a la directora y a los miembros del consejo escolar (SSC) para hablar sobre temas de importancia relacionados con los fondos de la escuela y el Plan único para el logro estudiantil de Washington Thursday / jueves October/octubre 21, 20214:30 – 5:30 PMZoom Link/enlaceMeeting ID: 852 0382 9244Passcode: 735717 |
Washington Elementary School
School Site Council
June 14, 2021 at 4:30PM
SSC Members (Present in bold)
Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau and Amparo Gutierrez (did not attend but read and signed document)
Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden
Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
- Welcome
- Approve May Minutes (Approved unanimously at 4:35)
- Approve 2021-2022 Washington School Site Plan (Approved unanimously at 4:36)
- Adjourn
Washington Elementary School
School Site Council
May 20, 2021 at 4:30PM
SSC Members (present in bold)
Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau and Amparo Gutierrez
Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden
Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
- Welcome and Introductions
- Approve April minutes
- Review and approve 21-22 Budget (Quorum met)
- Review and approve draft 21-22 School Site Plan
- ELAC added in burgundy
- Set date for final review and signatures of entire School Site plan
- June 14th at 4:30
- Full draft will be sent by parent square prior to the meeting to allow time for the SSC & ELAC to review all details.
- Adjourn
- Next Meeting: June 14, 2021: Sign Document
Washington Elementary School
School Site Council
April 29, 2021 at 4:30PM
SSC Members
Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau andAmparo Gutierrez
Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden
Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
- Welcome and Introductions
- Approve March minutes
- Review English Learner Parent Survey results
- Create draft of 21-22 Budget
- Create draft of 21-22 School Site Plan
Washington Strategic Action Plan: Ms. Alvarez shared entire plan with SSC. Notes were added to this document for public viewing.
~66K to use
Reviewed what DO will pay for including blended learning, specialists, assessments, sylvan tutoring, counseling intern, ASES after school, summer school, soul shoppe, STEAM labs, full time para for ELD,
Proposed but yet to be approved by board (including but not limited to): intervention teacher, expanded learning (after school enrichment), furniture, outdoor ed, full time para for ELD, central PD for SJ standards, district translator for spanish/chinese, TEC stipend
Added suggestions to Strategic Action Plan
Ms. Alvarez will share SAP with SSC and community to comment on to make more suggestions
Next Meetings: May 20th at 4:30 PM
Washington Elementary School
School Site Council
March 18, 2021 at 4:30PM
SSC Members
Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau and Amparo Gutierrez
Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden
Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
Guests: Sean Cunningham
- Welcome and Introductions
- Approve February 11th minutes
- Data Review: How do we look at data to inform the 21-22 budget?
- Not much valid current data, but we know who needs support by attendance and other indicators.
- Reviewed 8 District Categories that will be in the Site Plan
- Budget Update: Review of pre-pandemic budget (19-20 school year) and start to identify programs that we want to resume.
- Two things for site plan: district plan needs to be completed and the current budget for next year
- Next year site plan: updates on the new District plan and how it directly impacts the school site plan.
- April/May: complete site plan
- We will have more resources due to more money coming in because of learning loss. Don’t know what the budget will be.
Next Meetings: April 15th at 4:30 PM
Washington Elementary School
School Site Council
February 11, 2021 at 4:30PM
SSC Members
Principal: Elisa Alvarez
Parents: Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton, Christina Chavez, Tyson Nichols, Parker Martineau and Amparo Gutierrez
Teachers:Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden
Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
Bold = Present
- Welcome and Introductions 4:31PM
- Approve December 14th minutes 4:37
Minutes approved at 4:38
- Data Review 4:39
Ren Learn example: 5th grade math
48% at or above benchmark
Dives deep into individual data rather than school
Star Math example 2nd grade math example
Uses score for first intervention, uses improvement or dip in achievement for later interventions
Star reading: 3rd grade example
Q and A re: data and intervention
Are there trends/patterns within demographic groups in Renaissance? Yes
- LCAP 5:00
Need feedback out how money is spent. LCAP meetings coming soon. Will reach out to community. Parent Square message about meetings coming out tomorrow, 2/12. Meetings will be Feb 23 & 24 Discussion on outreach
- Budget Update 5:10
No new budget info. Except that we will get new tables that will match construction. Some money from tables will go back to teacher materials.
- Next year site plan at next meeting
- Adjourned at 5:20
Next Meetings: March 18th at 4:30 PM
Washington Elementary School
School Site Council
December 14, 2020 4:30PM
SSC Members
Parents: Vanessa Litman, Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Karen Torres, Christina Chavez Johnson
Teachers: Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez, Grace Durden
Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
Guests: Jitka Munoz- Friesz (parent), Justin McJilton, Leah Martin, Wendy Ponder, Amparo Gutierrez, Eduardo Munoz, Fleur McJilton
- Welcome and Introductions
- Approve November 30th minutes- Parker moves to approve, Christina seconds
- Review Bylaws
- Parker suggests having co-chairs. This is helpful in a household where both parents may want to participate and can share the role. This allows for them to split the meeting attendance if needed.
- Co-chairs would share a vote
- Plan is that new bylaws begin immediately
- Minimum of one ELAC parent will sit on SSC. This is currently in the bylaws.
- Site council has a minimum of 10 members. There are at large positions and assigned positions.
- Parker moved to approve bylaws and Christina seconds the motion. Motion to make them effective immediately was seconded by Tyson. No one abstained.
- Washington SSC Bylaws Updated December 2020
- Vote and welcome new SSC Members. The following people were nominated and all were voted into their new positions as follows*
Chair Person – Justin McJilton & Fleur McJilton
Vice Chair Person – Chrissy Chavez Johnson
Secretary- Tyson Nichols
Parliamentarian – Parker Martineau
ELAC Liaison (this position will be voted in at the ELAC meeting on December 16th*)- Amparo Gutierrez has been nominated
Teachers: Wendy Ponder, Leah Martin, Grace Durden
Next Meetings:
December 17th at 4 PM: District Training
January 21st at 4 PM: District Training
February 11th at 4:30 PM: Washington School Site Council Meeting (please note that this is the 2nd Tuesday of the month due to the President’s week off the following week.)
November 30, 2020 4PM
SSC Members
Parents: Vanessa Litman, Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Karen Torres, Christina Chavez
Teachers:Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez, Grace Durden
Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
Guests: Eduardo Munoz
- Review the overall data.
- Make any necessary changes to the plan.
- Approve the final version of the plan.
- Review Bylaws
Please see the document that was reviewed at the meeting:
Enrollment number were reviewed. Highlights include 297 Latino students.
- Declined enrollment due to space limitations (only space for 3 classes)
- English language learners are slowly trending down. Reclassified numbers jump around alot
- ELPAC data was reviewed. Shared document page 13
- There are some signs to show kids are progressing faster in the DLI program. Also the 2018-19 was the first year of the boot camp.
- The majority of students fall into zone 3. The extra push of the boot camp is relevant here
- We reviewed the standard exceeded vs standard meet. It was noted that it dropped a bit
- Biggest improvements were in writing
- Munoz points out that 65-70% of students are not succeeding (not be reclassified)
- He asks how the SSC can help close this achievement gap. Asks that data be more readily available. Wants the SSC to ask the district for more funding for paraprofessionals. Also he feels that the SLUSD is running a surplus and we should ask for more $$ for support of ELL students. Reduction in class sizes.
- Elisa expressed openness to ideas
- Discussion includes looking at the difference in current data (bilingual program) and how it may change as the LDI program progresses. Also suggestions that numbers/test scores don’t show the whole picture and there is benefit of a loving supportive school community. Social emotional learning is also important. Its ok to aim for both “good test scores” and helping student s become “good people” but there isn’t a straightforward answer as to how to achieve these goals.
- Other limiting factors that put some students at an advantage before entering kinder: access to preschool. Bigger equity issues. Also families are struggling with other issues- iimigration, fear of ICE, economic strains, both parents working and school cant be their main focus. School cant fix societal inequities easily.
- Take ways:
–need more paraeducators. But also paying a living wage and offering more than a few hours a day could help with retention and more constant presence at the school. More guidance to parent SSC members (does a handbook exist?)
–Ensure that all parents have a voice. Some may fee intimidated or feel that their opinions don’t matter.
–sometimes most useful money are donations to help families with non school needs
–additional support on campus doesnt translate during pandemic because the students who need support might not be able to easily get on their computers to attend tutoring (etc) over zoom
Parker motions to approve school site plan, Chrissy seconds. All in favor.
Tyson motions to pass school site budget and entire plan, Chrissy seconds. All in favor
Karen and Chrissy to sign
12/14 4:30PM School Site Council Meeting to vote on new board.
12/17 4p. School site council district meeting
Washington Elementary School
School Site Council
November 18, 2020 4:30PM
SSC Members
Parents: Vanessa Litman, Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Karen Torres, Christina Chavez
Teachers:Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez, Grace Durden
Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
Guests: Eduardo MunozWe reviewed the School Plan Presentation.
We discussed that this board will have its final meeting Nov 30th and then new elections will take place for the next year. We acknowledged timing for new elections are different this year given the coronavirus pandemic.
Key points discussed:1. Grade 3-5 LCAP boot camp will start January 2021. Joan Bonsey and Sarah Cruz are the teachers who help run the camp. Emphasis on writing skills. 2. Science Camp Spring 2021. SLED will help with fundraising3. Importance of supporting special ed teacher and para educators4. Reclassification efforts- see boot camp information as well as information in the school site plan.5. Supplemental funds frozen during pandemic. Discussed concept of “learning lost funds”. if we don’t go back, where does the money go?
Today we will vote on the money for outdoor seating. This could be beneficial as small group instruction may start in January 2021 and these tables could be used for instruction. We discussed 6 round tables or 10 rectangular tables.
Parker moves to spend ~$10,000 on tables for outdoor seating. No opposition, all in favor
Today we will NOT be voting on the site plan. We will defer this to the next meeting on 11/30 at 4:30pm. We will also review the bylaws at the 11/30 meeting.
October 22, 2020 4PM
SSC Members
Parents: Vanessa Litman, Cristina Frias, Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Christina Chavez
Teachers:Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
Guests: Kenin Collins
Agenda Items
- Welcome and Introductions
- Items submitted and approved to be paid by District Pandemic budget:
- $6,000 in school supplies for students and teachers.
- $17,000 in library books in Spanish to go towards reaching our goal of having a library that holds 50% English and 50% Spanish. (Prior to the purchase it was 80/20).
- $900 in social justice library books requested by teachers.
- Increase of para educator support by 3 hours.
- $100,000 worth of instruments were purchased for entire district.
- Review of the money we have not allocated:
- Suggestions received by the community:
- Outdoor seating: Share photos and pricing
– reviewed pictures and prices. Seats/umbrellas at Roosevelt. Umbrellas chained to the ground for safety. Shade shelters have to be 20 feet away from the building. School grade tables don’t have restriction in terms of location (distance to building) cost about $600
- Kinder- uniform tables and chairs for kinder age kids
- Tricycles for kindergarten- difficult due to storage, need for helmets?
- Art supplies
- Paw print store awards
- Ukuleles
- Upstairs auditorium chairs- this might be a bond measure?
- Additional paraeducator support, especially bilingual. Sara Betancourt is has been granted 3 hours more a day
- Foldable tables- 6 new tables.
- Budget proposals: Lets meet again to make a final decision by December.
** SSC approved 6 new folding tables today
Next SSC meeting: November 19, 2020
Meeting times: 4:30 pm
Washington Elementary School
School Site Council
September 24th, 4PM
SSC Members
Parents: Vanessa Litman, Parker Martineau, Tyson Nichols, Christina Chavez
Teachers:Joan Bonsey, Rocio Ramirez
Classified: Maria Ochoa, Parent Facilitator
Guests: n/a
Agenda Items
- Welcome and Introductions
- Recap of officers carried over from 19/20 school year: – No elections this year because last year there were no major changes to the budget and we didn’t have all of the meetings.
- President: Christina Chavez
- Vice President: Tyson Nichols
- Secretary: Vanessa Litman
- Parliamentarian: Parker Martineau
- ELAC representative: Karen Torres
- Pandemic Budget Evaluation: The items highlighted in yellow must be adjusted due to the pandemic. Some items that we normally spend money on are not an option during online learning. We will need to spend on alternate one-time items for this school year with the intent to return to regular spending practices as soon as normalcy is restored.
- As of 9/23/20, Supplemental Concentration is frozen. This is typically for field trips and after school. *TBD later, could be released in Jan 2021 if schools open in hybrid model.
SPSA Goal | 2020-2021 Pandemic Budget | |||||
Title 1 | SD | SupConc | ||||
1.10a | Intervention/enrichment | combine library, intervention, enrichment (212+82=294 hours of after school hourly) | $4,146.00 | $10,620.00 | ||
1.4 | PBL field trip seed money | includes outdoor ed deposit | $3,000.00 | $2,000.00 | ||
1.41.12 | collab/pbis/cost subs | $10,890.00 | ||||
1.9 | Classroom supplies | $6,000.00 | ||||
certificated | ||||||
1.11 | classified para ed | $14,803.00 | ||||
3.2 | communication/office | plus postage 260 | $2,860.00 | |||
4.2 | COST/PBIS | |||||
library books | $5,000.00 | |||||
ASP | supplement LCAP ASP | $7,000.00 | ||||
Total Budget: | $25,693.00 | $16,006.00 | $24,620.00 | |||
Total Allocation: | $25,693.00 | $18,860.00 | $24,620.00 | $69,173.00 |
- District pandemic funding has also relieved site budget funding
- Classroom supplies- We were recently able to use $3000 from the pandemic budget to pay for classroom supplies
- Office supplies
- Library books- large budget request including more Spanish language books. Currently 80% of library books are English. Also we would like to replace lost books. Another idea is to purchase books related to social justice standards and books teachers have requested.
- Budget considerations: How are we going to spend money in the yellow highlighted areas.
- Items that will be used now and in the future that we otherwise would not be able to afford. Some ideas include a pottery kiln (old electrical might be a barrier to making this happen), Ukuleles for all students. We will put out a message in Parent Square for more parent ideas.
- Teacher hourly to refine systems.
- Teacher hourly for a few after school enrichment options (this would be a reduction in dollar amount due to zoom). Typically used for afterschool. We are reducing this amount drastically this year. Teachers have been asked if they have a project they need money for. List of ideas shared.
- Process to get input:
- Teachers and staff have suggested the following:
- School shirts (normally PTO budget). This includes shirts that will be sold and the money will return to the account. $3,081.82 for 580 shirts. This includes all students, staff, and shirts requested for sale. Move to put this in the SSC budget instead of PTO this year given the pandemic.
- Hourly totalling: $3,825 . portion was used for teachers to take time off and request a sub to collaborate but this will not be done this year. Its possible teacher hourly could come out of Title 1 in future.
- Tricycles for kindergarten (not sure this would be eligible due to money must be used for current students). See comments in section 6a.
- Part 2 of Circle Up
- Possible use of teachers assistants in Zoom breakout rooms in future. More info to come on this.
- This board suggests the following: art, music supplies. Get input from Washington community
- Parent Newsletter request for ideas:
- Teachers and staff have suggested the following:
- Budget Items to vote on for today:
- Approved use of $3081.82 for school T shirts. Tyson approves, Christina seconds.
- Approved budget reduction for teacher hourly spending to $3825 during pandemic. Open to readdress if teachers have projects they would like to request funding for. Christina approves, Tyson seconds.
Next SSC meeting: October 22, 2020
Meeting times: 4 pm