Safety is one of our greatest concerns. At Washington, we use the disaster drill format each month in order to practice disaster readiness. Each child and adult at Washington should know what to do in such emergencies as fire, flood or earthquake regardless of the time of day or location. All staff members at Washington are also trained in their specific responsibilities during disasters. Families are requested to discuss such emergencies which could occur in their homes as well as at school.
Also, please read and sign the Emergency Card available at the school office or through the classroom teacher. Make any changes to the cards and return these items back to the school immediately. All new parents should have completed the Emergency Card along with their registration forms. Please update the cards regularly to reflect any changes in phone numbers or emergency contacts.
250 Dutton Ave, San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-618-4360 | Fax: 510-346-6084